Creating Courses using AI – Getting Started

Creating Courses using AI – Getting Started

How you can use AI to “assist” in developing a course outline or use it to check you exiting work.

I started developing this short xAPI technical course by writing a single line – five word long instruction in ChatGPT. I then simply copied the topic titles from the ChatGPT results and submitted them back in as further queries within the original instruction and ChatGPT wrote the course for me.

I’ll state it now and will reiterate this at the end of this post as well…

If I were to continue this repeated copy/paste/refactoring process – ensuring I address every paragraph and bullet by asking ChatGPT to drill deeper, I’d have a great deal of very in-depth but generalized information as a great starting point to developing my course outline and some pretty good starter information. As a subject matter expert (SME), I’d have a super starting point for me to now incorporate my experience into.

My Instruction: Write a course about xapi

The response:

xAPI (also known as the Experience API or Tin Can API), is a specification for tracking and storing learning experiences and performance data. It allows organizations to track learning experiences that take place outside of traditional learning management systems (LMSs) and to store the data in a Learning Record Store (LRS).

Here is an outline for a course on xAPI:

  1. Introduction to xAPI
    • What is xAPI and why is it important?
    • How does xAPI differ from other e-learning standards?
    • Key concepts and terminology in xAPI (e.g. statements, actors, verbs, objects)
  2. Setting up an xAPI system
    • Setting up an LRS
    • Integrating an LMS with xAPI
    • Best practices for implementing xAPI
  3. Using xAPI to track learning experiences
    • Examples of learning experiences that can be tracked with xAPI
    • Creating xAPI statements to track learning experiences
    • Storing and querying data in the LRS
  4. Advanced xAPI topics
    • Using xAPI to personalize learning experiences
    • Integrating xAPI with other systems (e.g. HR systems, performance management systems)
    • Extending xAPI with custom verbs and objects
  5. Case studies and real-world examples of xAPI in action
    • Examples of organizations using xAPI to track and analyze learning data
    • Lessons learned and best practices from these case studies

That wrote my course outline

So, I wrote a great starting point for my course outline just by asking ChatGPT to “Write a course about xapi”.
Let’s take it a step further and later we’ll take that step, yet another step further.
My approach to developing the course material will be by simply using a “drill-down approach”. This approach is a pretty standard method used in technical courses.

My second query (I copied the first topic in the first lesson): What is xAPI and why is it important?

The response:

xAPI (Experience API) is a specification for tracking and storing learning experiences and performance data. It allows organizations to track learning experiences that take place outside of traditional learning management systems (LMSs) and to store the data in a Learning Record Store (LRS).

xAPI is important because it provides a more comprehensive and flexible way to track and store learning data. Traditional LMSs are limited in the types of learning experiences they can track and the data they can store. xAPI allows organizations to track a wider range of learning experiences, including those that take place on mobile devices, in virtual reality environments, or on social media platforms. This allows organizations to get a more complete picture of their employees’ learning and to use the data to improve learning and development programs.

xAPI is also important because it allows organizations to track learning experiences in real-time, providing immediate feedback to learners and allowing organizations to make more informed decisions about learning and development. xAPI is also designed to be easily integrated with other systems, such as HR systems and performance management systems, allowing organizations to use learning data in a variety of contexts.

My third query (I copied the second topic in the first lesson): How does xAPI differ from other e-learning standards?

The response:

xAPI (Experience API) is a specification for tracking and storing learning experiences and performance data. It differs from other e-learning standards in several key ways:

  1. Scope: xAPI is more comprehensive and flexible than other e-learning standards, as it can be used to track a wide range of learning experiences that take place outside of traditional learning management systems (LMSs). Other e-learning standards, such as SCORM, are primarily designed to track learning that takes place within an LMS.
  2. Data storage: xAPI stores data in a Learning Record Store (LRS) rather than in the LMS itself. This allows organizations to track and store data from a variety of sources and to use the data in different contexts.
  3. Real-time tracking: xAPI allows organizations to track learning experiences in real-time, providing immediate feedback to learners and allowing organizations to make more informed decisions about learning and development.
  4. Integration: xAPI is designed to be easily integrated with other systems, such as HR systems and performance management systems, allowing organizations to use learning data in a variety of contexts.

Overall, xAPI provides a more comprehensive and flexible way to track and store learning data, allowing organizations to get a more complete picture of their employees’ learning and to use the data to improve learning and development programs.

My third query (I copied the third topic in the first lesson): Key concepts and terminology in xAPI (e.g. statements, actors, verbs, objects)

The response:

In xAPI (Experience API), there are several key concepts and terms that you should be familiar with:

  1. Statements: A statement is a record of a learning experience or performance data. It consists of four parts: the actor, the verb, the object, and the result.
  2. Actors: An actor is the person or entity performing the learning experience or action. In xAPI, actors are typically identified using an email address or an OpenID.
  3. Verbs: A verb is the action or activity being performed. xAPI includes a set of predefined verbs that describe common actions, such as “completed,” “attempted,” or “passed.” Organizations can also define custom verbs to describe specific actions or activities.
  4. Objects: An object is the thing being acted upon in the statement. This could be a course, a quiz, a video, or any other learning resource. Objects are identified using an identifier known as an “activity ID.”
  5. Results: The result is an optional part of a statement that provides additional information about the learning experience or action. It can include data such as scores, durations, or success/failure status.
  6. Learning Record Store (LRS): An LRS is a repository for storing xAPI statements. It allows organizations to track and store data from a variety of sources and to use the data in different contexts.

My fourth query (I copied the first topic in the second lesson): Setting up an LRS

The response:

An LRS (Learning Record Store) is a repository for storing xAPI (Experience API) statements. It allows organizations to track and store data from a variety of sources and to use the data in different contexts. Here are the steps for setting up an LRS:

  1. Choose an LRS platform: There are several LRS platforms available, including open source options like Learning Locker and proprietary options like Watershed. Consider your organization’s needs and budget when selecting an LRS platform.
  2. Set up the LRS: Follow the instructions provided by the LRS platform to set up the LRS. This will typically involve installing the LRS software and configuring any necessary settings.
  3. Test the LRS: Once the LRS is set up, you’ll want to test it to ensure that it’s functioning correctly. You can do this by sending test statements to the LRS and verifying that they are stored correctly.
  4. Integrate the LRS with other systems: Depending on your organization’s needs, you may want to integrate the LRS with other systems, such as an LMS or HR system. This will allow you to use the data stored in the LRS in different contexts.

My fifth query (I copied the second topic in the second lesson): Integrating an LMS with xAPI

The response:

To integrate an LMS (Learning Management System) with xAPI (Experience API), you’ll need to follow these steps:

  1. Set up an LRS: You’ll need to set up an LRS (Learning Record Store) to store the data from the LMS. See my previous response for more information on setting up an LRS.
  2. Configure the LMS to send statements to the LRS: Most LMSs will have an option to send xAPI statements to an LRS. You’ll need to configure the LMS to send statements to the LRS using the LRS’s endpoint URL and any necessary authentication credentials.
  3. Define the types of statements you want to send: Determine the types of statements you want to send from the LMS to the LRS. This will typically involve deciding which actions or activities you want to track, as well as any relevant metadata (e.g. scores, durations).
  4. Test the integration: Once you’ve configured the LMS to send statements to the LRS, you’ll want to test the integration to ensure that it’s working correctly. You can do this by performing actions or activities in the LMS and verifying that the corresponding statements are being sent to the LRS.

My sixth query (I copied the third topic in the second lesson): Best practices for implementing xAPI

The response:

Here are some best practices for implementing xAPI (Experience API):

  1. Start small: It’s a good idea to start small when implementing xAPI, rather than trying to track everything all at once. This will allow you to get a feel for how xAPI works and to identify any challenges or issues that may arise.
  2. Define clear goals: Before implementing xAPI, define clear goals for what you want to achieve with the technology. This will help you determine which data to track and how to use the data to meet your goals.
  3. Involve stakeholders: Make sure to involve key stakeholders in the implementation process, including L&D professionals, IT staff, and business leaders. This will ensure that everyone is on the same page and that the implementation is aligned with the needs and goals of the organization.
  4. Choose the right LRS platform: Select an LRS (Learning Record Store) platform that meets the needs of your organization. Consider factors such as cost, scalability, and integration with other systems.
  5. Test and iterate: Don’t be afraid to test and iterate as you implement xAPI. This will help you identify any issues and make necessary adjustments to ensure that the implementation is successful.

My seventh query (I copied the first topic in the third lesson): Examples of learning experiences that can be tracked with xAPI

The response:

xAPI (Experience API) can be used to track a wide range of learning experiences, including those that take place outside of traditional learning management systems (LMSs). Here are some examples of learning experiences that can be tracked with xAPI:

  1. Online courses: xAPI can be used to track the progress and performance of learners in online courses, including courses hosted on an LMS or on external platforms.
  2. Mobile learning: xAPI can be used to track learning that takes place on mobile devices, such as apps or games.
  3. Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) learning: xAPI can be used to track learning experiences that take place in VR or AR environments.
  4. Social learning: xAPI can be used to track learning that takes place on social media platforms, such as discussions or collaboration on forums.
  5. Classroom learning: xAPI can be used to track learning that takes place in a traditional classroom setting, such as participation in discussions or completion of assignments.
  6. Informal learning: xAPI can be used to track informal learning experiences, such as on-the-job training or mentorship programs.

Overall, xAPI provides a flexible way to track and store data from a wide range of learning experiences, allowing organizations to get a more complete picture of their employees’ learning and to use the data to improve learning and development programs.

My eight query (I copied the second topic in the third lesson): Creating xAPI statements to track learning experiences

The response:

To create xAPI (Experience API) statements to track learning experiences, you’ll need to follow these steps:

  1. Identify the actor: The actor is the person or entity performing the learning experience or action. In xAPI, actors are typically identified using an email address or an OpenID.
  2. Choose a verb: A verb is the action or activity being performed. xAPI includes a set of predefined verbs that describe common actions, such as “completed,” “attempted,” or “passed.” You can also define custom verbs to describe specific actions or activities.
  3. Identify the object: The object is the thing being acted upon in the statement. This could be a course, a quiz, a video, or any other learning resource. Objects are identified using an identifier known as an “activity ID.”
  4. Include any relevant metadata: The statement can include additional information about the learning experience or action, such as scores, durations, or success/failure status. This is known as metadata.
  5. Send the statement to the LRS: Once you’ve created the xAPI statement, you’ll need to send it to the LRS (Learning Record Store) for storage. You can do this using the LRS’s endpoint URL and any necessary authentication credentials.

My ninth query (I copied the third topic in the third lesson): Storing and querying data in the LRS

The response:

Once you’ve set up an LRS (Learning Record Store) and started sending xAPI (Experience API) statements to the LRS, you’ll need to know how to store and query the data in the LRS. Here are some tips for storing and querying data in the LRS:

  1. Use xAPI statement filters: The LRS typically provides a set of filters that you can use to narrow down the statements being stored or queried. These filters can include elements such as the actor, verb, or object of the statement.
  2. Use paging: If you are querying a large number of statements, you may want to use paging to retrieve the results in smaller chunks. This can help improve performance and make it easier to process the results.
  3. Store additional data as context: If you want to store additional data about a learning experience or action that is not included in the xAPI statement itself, you can use the context field to store this data. The context field allows you to attach additional data to a statement in the form of a JSON document.
  4. Use the LRS’s APIs: Most LRSs provide APIs that you can use to programmatically store and query data in the LRS. These APIs typically allow you to send and receive data in the form of HTTP requests and responses.

My tenth query (I copied the first topic in the fourth lesson): Using xAPI to personalize learning experiences

The response:

xAPI (Experience API) can be used to personalize learning experiences by tracking and analyzing data on an individual learner’s performance and preferences. Here are some ways that you can use xAPI to personalize learning experiences:

  1. Recommend courses or resources based on previous performance: By tracking data on a learner’s performance in different courses or on different learning resources, you can use xAPI to recommend courses or resources that are tailored to the learner’s needs and interests.
  2. Personalize the learning path: By tracking a learner’s progress through a course or learning program, you can use xAPI to adjust the learning path based on the learner’s needs and goals. For example, you could provide additional support or resources for learners who are struggling, or allow more advanced learners to skip certain material.
  3. Customize learning content: By tracking data on a learner’s preferences and interests, you can use xAPI to customize the learning content that is presented to the learner. For example, you could present different case studies or examples based on the learner’s industry or job role.

Overall, xAPI provides a powerful tool for personalizing learning experiences by tracking and analyzing data on individual learners. By using this data to tailor the learning experience to the needs and goals of each learner, you can create more effective and engaging learning programs.

My eleventh query (I copied the second topic in the fourth lesson): Integrating xAPI with other systems (e.g. HR systems, performance management systems)

The response:

xAPI (Experience API) is designed to be easily integrated with other systems, such as HR systems and performance management systems. Here are some steps you can take to integrate xAPI with other systems:

  1. Determine the data you want to share: First, determine what data you want to share between the xAPI system and the other system. This may include data on learning experiences, performance, or other relevant information.
  2. Identify the appropriate integration method: There are several ways you can integrate xAPI with other systems, including using APIs, data export/import, or integration tools. Choose the method that is most appropriate for your needs and resources.
  3. Set up the integration: Follow the instructions provided by the xAPI system and the other system to set up the integration. This will typically involve configuring settings and providing any necessary authentication credentials.
  4. Test the integration: Once you’ve set up the integration, you’ll want to test it to ensure that it’s working correctly. You can do this by performing actions or activities in both systems and verifying that the data is being shared as expected.

My twelfth query (I copied the third topic in the fourth lesson): Extending xAPI with custom verbs and objects

The response:

xAPI (Experience API) includes a set of predefined verbs and objects that can be used to describe common actions and resources in learning experiences. However, you can also extend xAPI by defining custom verbs and objects to suit your specific needs. Here are some steps you can take to extend xAPI with custom verbs and objects:

  1. Determine the need for custom verbs and objects: First, determine whether the predefined verbs and objects in xAPI are sufficient for your needs, or whether you need to define custom verbs and objects.
  2. Define the custom verbs and objects: To define custom verbs and objects, you’ll need to provide a unique identifier and a human-readable name for each verb or object. You’ll also need to specify any additional properties or metadata that you want to include.
  3. Use the custom verbs and objects in statements: Once you’ve defined the custom verbs and objects, you can use them in xAPI statements to describe specific actions or resources.
  4. Document the custom verbs and objects: It’s important to document the custom verbs and objects that you define, so that other users of the xAPI system know how to use them. You can do this by creating a vocabulary document or by using a vocabulary management tool.

My thirteenth query (I copied the first topic in the fifth lesson): Examples of organizations using xAPI to track and analyze learning data

The response:

There are many organizations that are using xAPI (Experience API) to track and analyze learning data. Here are a few examples:

  1. ASTD: The Association for Talent Development (ASTD) used xAPI to track and analyze data on the learning experiences of its members. This allowed ASTD to understand the types of learning that its members were engaged in and to use the data to improve its learning and development programs.
  2. US Department of Defense: The US Department of Defense used xAPI to track and analyze data on the learning experiences of military personnel. This allowed the Department of Defense to better understand the learning needs of its personnel and to develop more effective learning programs.
  3. Deloitte: Deloitte, a global professional services firm, used xAPI to track and analyze data on the learning experiences of its employees. This allowed Deloitte to identify trends in learning and to tailor its learning programs to the needs and goals of its employees.

Overall, xAPI provides a powerful tool for organizations to track and analyze data on learning experiences and to use the data to improve learning and development programs.

My fourteenth query (I copied the second topic in the fifth lesson): Lessons learned and best practices from these case studies

The response:

Here are some lessons learned and best practices from the case studies I mentioned earlier that demonstrate how organizations are using xAPI to track and analyze learning data:

  1. Start small: It can be tempting to try to track everything with xAPI right away, but it’s usually more effective to start small and gradually expand the scope of data being tracked. This allows you to get a feel for how xAPI works and to identify any challenges or issues that may arise.
  2. Define clear goals: It’s important to define clear goals for what you want to achieve with xAPI, so that you can determine which data to track and how to use the data to meet your goals.
  3. Involve stakeholders: Make sure to involve key stakeholders in the planning and implementation process, including L&D professionals, IT staff, and business leaders. This will ensure that everyone is on the same page and that the implementation is aligned with the needs and goals of the organization.
  4. Test and iterate: Don’t be afraid to test and iterate as you implement xAPI. This will help you identify any issues and make necessary adjustments to ensure that the implementation is successful.

An example of going deeper…

I changed the instruction just above “Don’t be afraid to test and iterate as you implement xAPI.” to become “How to not be afraid to test and iterate as you implement xAPI.

My fifteenth query. In this case, I’ve rewritten the opening statement for bullet #4 in the result of my fourteenth query into an instruction: How to not be afraid to test and iterate as you implement xAPI.

The response:

It’s natural to feel some level of uncertainty or hesitation when implementing a new technology like xAPI (Experience API). However, testing and iterating as you implement xAPI is essential for ensuring the success of the implementation. Here are some tips for how to approach testing and iterating with confidence:

  1. Start small: As I mentioned earlier, it’s usually a good idea to start small when implementing xAPI, rather than trying to track everything all at once. This will allow you to get a feel for how xAPI works and to identify any challenges or issues that may arise.
  2. Define clear goals: Define clear goals for what you want to achieve with xAPI, and use these goals to guide your testing and iteration. This will help you focus your efforts and ensure that you are making progress towards your objectives.
  3. Involve stakeholders: Make sure to involve key stakeholders in the testing and iteration process, including L&D professionals, IT staff, and business leaders. This will help ensure that the implementation is aligned with the needs and goals of the organization.
  4. Be open to feedback: Encourage feedback from stakeholders and be open to suggestions for improvement. This will help you identify any issues and make necessary adjustments to ensure the success of the implementation.

By following these tips, you can approach testing and iterating with confidence and ensure that your xAPI implementation is a success.

An example of going even deeper…

I changed the instruction just above “Encourage feedback from stakeholders and be open to suggestions for improvement.” to become “How to encourage feedback from stakeholders and be open to suggestions for improvement.

My sixteenth query. In this case, I’ve rewritten the opening statement for bullet #4 in the result of my fifteenth query into an instruction: Encourage feedback from stakeholders and be open to suggestions for improvement.

The response:

Here are some strategies you can use to encourage feedback from stakeholders and be open to suggestions for improvement as you implement xAPI (Experience API):

  1. Communicate openly: Make sure to keep stakeholders informed about the progress of the xAPI implementation and any issues that may arise. This will help ensure that everyone is on the same page and will encourage stakeholders to provide feedback and suggestions for improvement.
  2. Involve stakeholders in the planning and implementation process: Involve key stakeholders in the planning and implementation process from the outset. This will give stakeholders a sense of ownership in the process and encourage them to provide feedback and suggestions for improvement.
  3. Encourage open communication: Encourage open and honest communication among stakeholders. This will create an environment where stakeholders feel comfortable sharing their ideas and concerns.
  4. Use feedback to drive improvement: When you receive feedback or suggestions for improvement, take the time to consider them carefully. Use this feedback to identify areas for improvement and make necessary adjustments to ensure the success of the xAPI implementation.

By following these strategies, you can encourage feedback from stakeholders and be open to suggestions for improvement as you implement xAPI.

I’ll end this here

I think you get the picture of how you can use services such as ChatGPT to help you write your courses.
This service is not going to be an end-all solution to properly writing your course outline or content, but it certainly will help you organize your thoughts if you’re lost on how to get started.

If I were to go deeper/more expansive with this outline and it’s related information, I’d be querying every single bullet and transforming each bullet and paragraph into an instruction.

If I were to continue this repeated copy/paste/refactoring process – ensuring I address every paragraph and bullet by asking ChatGPT to drill deeper, I’d have a great deal of very in-depth but generalized information as a great starting point to developing my course outline and some pretty good starter information. As a subject matter expert (SME), I’d have a super starting point for me to now incorporate my experience into.

About ChatGPT

My query… “About ChatGPT”
ChatGPT is a variant of the GPT (Generative Pre-training Transformer) language model that is specifically designed for generating human-like text in chat applications and chatbots. Like the original GPT model, it is trained on a large dataset of text and uses machine learning techniques to generate realistic and coherent responses to prompts. However, ChatGPT has been fine-tuned for the specific style and language patterns that are commonly used in chat conversations. This allows it to generate responses that are more appropriate and relevant in a chat context. ChatGPT can be used to build chatbots that can engage in natural conversations with users, or to generate responses to prompts in chat applications.

Where can I learn more about ChatGPT?

Click the button to the right to register into the free ChatGPT web app and start using it now!
* I have no affiliation with ChatGPT *