LeafLet Maps for Gravity Forms

Leaflet Maps for Gravity Forms


Show your Form Entries on a Map

Leaflet Maps for Gravity Forms provides the simplest, most flexible form entry integration possible.

This Gravity Forms add on not only lets you create as many map pages as you want, it also lets your place a gravity form in one page and add the map to as many pages as you want.

You can use any existing form you want or create a form dedicated to the map.

Leaflet Maps for Gravity Forms uses the free MapBox token system to retrieve your map tile for the map and once that is done, all other map processes are contained with WordPress so you need not pay for any external mapping service(s) as Google Maps would have you do.

This plugin creates one shortcode to display the map in any page or post and 3 form fields you can add to any Gravity Form.

Beyond that, if you create any fieldset (like radio buttons), you can select that fieldset to use as map PIN categories in-which you can then add your own map markers to each.

No matter how you configure Your Gravity Form or what other Gravity Form Add Ons you use, Leaflet Maps for Gravity forms will work with it.

If you need the form entries to be approved before they are displayed on the map, this add on detects if the free Gravity Forms Approvals plugin is active and map entries will not be shown on the map until the entry is approved.

Here's what our customers are saying

    Only logged in customers who have purchased this product may leave a review.

    Watch this video playlist to understand many of the highlights!

    Our Demo page uses the free “Gravity Forms Approvals Add-On” plugin found in your WordPress Dashbaord > Plugins > Add New page as well as the Gravity Forms “Consent” field.

    1 Site License + Staging Site

    25.00    USD / Year
    • 1 year of email and Zoom support
    • 1 year of updates
    • 1 year of new features

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Does this plugin add more data to my database?

    This plugin only adds it’s configuration data to your database.

    All data generated via Gravity Forms are stored as Entries and follow the usual Gravity Forms Entry rules.

    How often is this product updated?

    Depending on how complex the new features are, some will come out frequently while others will take more time. As with most product developers, we don’t commit to specific dates for new features, but we do plan our activities and these features, taking an organized approach with our client projects and our own product development.
    Beyond new features, this plugin, as with all good developers plugins, will be updated when a bug is exposed, when we’ve discovered a vulnerability, when WordPress, Gravity Forms, or Leaflet Maps have been updated and this product needs to be updated to comply with those changes.

    Why do I need to license this plugin?

    Development of plugins takes a great deal of time. This is time we could spend working on projects for paying clients, but instead, we choose to help you out by providing what would normally be very costly software development at very reasonable prices in the form of our products.
    In fact, when you purchase this product, you’re not really paying for the development cost. These costs are already our sunk costs, so what you’re actually doing is helping fund our efforts to:

    1. keep the product optimally working with WordPress, Gravity Forms, and Leaflet Maps updates
    2. add new features to the product, and
    3. you’re paying for any of our excellent support you may need going forward with the product.

    Will this product continue working if I cancel my subscription?

    Yes, this product will continue working if you cancel your subscription, however, you will no longer receive new features, bug fixes, product updates or support once cancelled. You will see the license key warning in your dashboard.
    You can also cancel your subscriptions direction in our web site. no need to go to the payment system provider.

    What is your refund policy if this does not suit my needs?

    If you’re having problems with the product, you’ll find our support is exceptional and fast. If it’s just not possible to correct and issue, or it’s just not a good fit for you, we have a 15 day no questions asked return policy where you will receive a full refund.

    Change Log

    Version 2.0.2

    Initial public release.