WooCommerce Review Shortcode


Add a product review shortcode to and get results!

WooCommerce Reviews Plugin

Add WooCommerce Product Reviews anywhere in your site!

This plugin uses a shortcode [ product_reviews id=”####” ] to insert the WooCommerce Product Review system anywhere you want in your web site.

The “####” attribute is the Product ID that you you want to show the review system for.

If a user is logged in and has purchased the product, they will be shown the “Leave a Review” form, else they can read reviews. If they leave a review, this plugin will keep them in the same page and not redirect them to the WooCommerce product page as most all other product review plugins do.

Add this shortcode into your courses, blog posts or anywhere else you want!

Here's what our customers are saying

    Only logged in customers who have purchased this product may leave a review.

    1 Site License + Staging Site

    $ 25    /  LTD
    • 1 year of email and Zoom support